Creating a Great Singles Dating Profile

By Mark Creighton Feb 23, 2024
Singles Dating Profile

Online personal ads can be a terrific way to attract potential soul mates. Write an ad that is candid, creative and eye-catching. Then be ready to screen those who respond. Here are some tips regarding your online dating profile:

  • Read a lot of personal ads on the chosen site. Make notes about the features of the best ads and the ones that turn you off. If you browse through a typical dating site, you will see hundreds of ads from people who are “looking for Mr. Right.” Nearly everyone “enjoys a night out on the town, but also likes a quiet evening at home.” It would be difficult to find someone who doesn’t like a good sense of humor in a date what is the flirt app.
  • Make a list of the traits and interests that make you unique. Think of specific aspects of your personality that you want to highlight. Then, don’t just state them—demonstrate them. Instead of, “I enjoy Stanley Kubrick films,” say, “The other night I was watching “Dr. Strangelove,” and I found myself thinking it would be a lot more fun to watch and discuss it with someone else.” Humor is especially important. Not everyone shares the same sense of humor, so saying “I’m a funny person” isn’t sufficient. “I love quoting lines from the David Letterman Show” gives other users a better grasp of your personality.
  • List the qualities you seek in a romantic partner.
  • Begin with the subject line. Inject some humor into your subject line or include one of your interests. “Bogart fan seeking unusual suspects.” “Come sail away with this boating enthusiast.” This is the first thing people will see, and it needs to stand out from the crowd.
  • While it’s good to have an idea about what you like in a mate, keep an open mind. The love of your life might be nothing like what you envision. Write a draft of the ad, incorporating your key characteristics and the profile of the type of person you hope to find.
  • Represent yourself and your preferences accurately.
  • A little humor can work, but don’t make fun of the entire process.
  • Sexual comments, innuendos or jokes will attract the wrong crowd if you’re looking for a long-term, meaningful relationship.
  • Try to begin your ad with a fresh, eye-catching opening. Say something that’s different but in synch with your personality. “Fisherman looking for a keeper” is a better hook than “Looking for love.”
  • Before you submit an online ad you must read it out loud! If it doesn’t feel natural to say, or if it sounds forced or cheesy, don’t write it! Nothing comes across more fake or desperate than hokey lines like, “prince charming,” “ms. independent” or the worst line, “I work hard and play hard.”
  • Last, but not least, mind your grammar. Poor grammar and spelling doesn’t lead to a good first impression, so take the time to get it right.
  • Show the ad to a couple of close friends, one of each gender. Get their feedback on the ad’s effectiveness.
  • Rewrite the ad to make it clear and enticing.
  • When it comes to the profile itself, make sure you fill out the whole thing.
  • When it comes to the profile itself, make sure you fill out the whole thing. Take your time and put some thought into it. It may seem tedious or difficult to describe yourself, but leaving sections blank or putting in short, generic answers make it look like you aren’t really interested. Avoid phrases like, “I wouldn’t normally use one of these dating services, but my friends put me up to this.” Remember, your target audience is other people who are using this dating service. You don’t want to start off by insulting them.
  • If you don’t want a long-distance relationship, mention that in your ad.
  • Never put your e-mail address or actual name in a personal ad. Maintain a safe distance so you can screen the interested candidates without revealing your identity or exact location.
  • Post your ad on a site that will attract the sort of people you want to meet and wait for the responses to pour in.
  • Be prepared for suggestive, inappropriate responses
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By Mark Creighton

Mark Creighton is a seasoned relationship specialist and expert with a rich background in psychology and counseling. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and went on to complete his Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Southern California (USC). Mark’s passion for understanding human behavior and relationships led him to pursue further education, and he holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Stanford University.

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